Bruxing is when a person clenches and grinds their teeth. It has been estimated that over 30% of all adults grind their teeth at night while they sleep.
This subconscious action is a way of dealing with daily stress and anxiety. As a patient wears down their enamel, the teeth become flat, allowing them to grind more easily. A person who grinds at night may awake with discomfort in the muscles of the jaw and face, but left unguarded, bruxing can cause a variety of problems including cracked or broken teeth, abfractions, gum recession, sensitivity to temperatures, headaches, and Temporal-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) pain.
Night Guards do not stop night time grinding; rather they are designed to act as a buffer between the upper and lower teeth.
Dr. Bruno’s assistant will take impressions of the patient's upper and lower arches. A bite impression is also required. These impressions are poured in stone and used to fabricate the guard by either a Dental Lab Technician or in the Dental Office. Guards which are custom made fit better and last longer than those which are bought over-the-counter. At delivery, Dr. Bruno will make sure that the guard fits properly and the occlusion (bite) is balanced. A muscle relaxer may be prescribed for use at night during the first week of wear.